
It was a great DrupalCon!!! We do a quick review of events, get forced to roam the streets of Portland because our flight was delayed and bring the entire city of Portland into our search for Bob Grabhorn.

There is such a buzz about Twig nowadays, Forest Mars stops to tel us exactly what Twig is, how it applies to the upcoming release of Drupal 8 and introduces Twigify, a tool built to help us move our Drupal 7 themes to Drupal 8

Thousands of Drupal developers around the planet have used his work with Image cache module, now Darrel O'pry and his company want to share with us a new project that will make using the same website to show images across different devices even better. Check out the project here - . Also make sure you drop him a line thanking him for all his hard work!

Nick got to meet one of his heroes! From front-end work to hardcore server-side challenges, Snook shares tips, tricks and bookmarks on, along with other publications online and offline.He's also coauthored two acclaimed books: Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries, and the approachable, widely-read The Art and Science of CSS.

We take a whirlwind tour of everything loud at Drupalcon. Bob Grabhorn and I meet face to face! He gets the business.

It's the second day and the team is holding up well. There are only a few bugs to work out and then the site will be live across all devices!

I am very proud of our Drupal Community tonight!

Drupal developers and volunteers from FEMA are volunteering to work through the night on a mobile web site that helps people trying to get in and out of the devastated areas in Oklahoma find rideshare services and temporary housing.

This is an excellent example of the altruistic spirit that drives the Drupal community.

The team talks about their training sessions, Vera joins us and we get a Bob Grabhorn update!

Nick Grace interviews these two senior front end developers from NBC universal about the merits of SASS, the systematically awesome stylesheet language. He also finds why WSYWYG editors are a problem and why doing design comps in Photoshop could be a bad idea.

It's Sunday night and most of the team has joined us in Portland. We've gotten our t-shirts and made a new friend!


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