
To showcase how awesome the Drupal community is, I decided to let my two worlds collide and shoot a Guitar Voyager! video at BAD Camp. I'm at the Bay Area Drupal Camp to jam with some of the best in brightest in Drupal Community. The tune is All the Madmen by David Bowie

One of the biggest complaints about the otherwise awesome Youtube field module is that it's output are is only a set of static css sizes in the display option. Not anymore!  Now you can specify 100% width There is a new patch which should work pretty good. I am playing with it here an let you know what I find.

I had a lot of fun sharing what I know about the rules module during my presentation - Get more out of the Rules module: show Drupal who's the boss! The great things about events like this is that people with all levels of experience come out and it is great opportunity to share your company and to grow the community. One of the main problems identified by Dries is there are simply not enough Drupal developers yet.

Jessie Beach, a  respected content management platform themer ande mobile developoper shared herthoughts and observations about

  • Dealing with several OS systems and Browsers.
  • Show diagram of OpenSignal Android Device Map
  • She says by 2016 there will be about 8 billion mobile devices – that’s more devices then people.

Her talk is about tooling.

Sam Richard gave a short and terse presentation at the BAD Camp mobile summit. which was dripping with his Native New York sacasam.It was amusing.

Here are the reasons he hates Twitter Bootstrap

Nick Vahalik of the Commerce Guys gave a good talk this morning about what to look for when deciding if you want to work with a client. Here is a summary of what he said

Matt Robison of the Louisville Web Group had a great presenation at the Drupal eCommerce summit about  "Take advantage of low hanging fruit" when commincating with your users on a commerce site. (It's great tips for any site really)

Any decent site architect and site builder uses it, the rules module. The question is, will there be a Drupal 8 version of rules? When I asked Micheal Meyers of Acquia about this issue during his presentation at Drupal Government Days last August, I got a lukewarm and inconclusive answer.

David Stoline is a fixture at DC Drupal meetups, a maintainer of the ever useful taxonomy menu module and now a member of the all important security team. I caught up with David outside of the Oregon convention center right after he finished teaching his day long class on security. Check out his blog at

Nick watches excitedly as Morten DK talks about hearts, rainbows and his involvement in the Drupal Association. Holly Ross interrupts with a great counterpoint.


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